Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Survival and Prosperity

Survival and Prosperity

Is there a way to go from stress to success? You can take control!

The first step of handling anything is gaining an ability to face it.
— L. Ron Hubbard

Is your life afflicted by the stresses and strains of financial emergencies? If you are ending up with your attention on “finance” rather than living your life to the fullest, this course will give you tools that set you on the road of survival and happiness.

The Scientology Tools for Overcoming Financial Stress Course shows you how to take control of and effectively handle a financial crisis, small or seemingly large. It also gives you the tools to prevent one in the first place. These fundamentals, taken from experience in organizations, govern finance for any establishment of any size, and are equally applicable to personal finances so that you can free your attention for what matters most in life.

On this course you will learn:
  • How to deal with a financial emergency without becoming part of the confusion.
  • The precise actions to undo a financial mess and the exact procedures to handle pressing creditors.
  • The key to financial prosperity for any person, business, organization or enterprise — large or small.
When you know and understand the basics of financial management, you can control your own prosperity and create a stress‑free financial climate. You can truly succeed.

“This was such a great course. The references really were very spot on and helpful for my current scene. I had actually gone into despair and this course brought me up to being willing and able to handle it.” — S.Z.

“These are real solutions to my stress. I can do this! I’m already doing it! I’ve read so many books or parts of books on finances and always felt totally overwhelmed not knowing where to start. By the end of this course I felt much more in control. The Scientology Tools for Overcoming Financial Stress Course is simple and workable. I got right into action and I felt so much better.” — M.B.

“The tools provided are easy to understand and I’m very excited to apply them. I think that confronting finance is a problem that almost everyone faces and this course definitely makes it easier to confront stress head‑on.” — S.M.

Length of course is 7 days part time.

For more information about these courses or to start, contact us. Email: or call  617-266-9500

More more courses visit: Scientolology Life Improvement Courses

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Human Rights Day 2011: Church of Scientology Spearheading Human Rights Education

Human rights are the rights that belong to everyone without exception—to people of any color, creed, age, ethnicity or gender. But as United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon pointed out in his Human Rights Day message this year, “…unless we know them, unless we demand they be respected, and unless we defend our rights — and the right of others — to exercise them, they will be just words in a decades-old document.”

To make the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights known to all, the Church of Scientology has undertaken a massive human rights education initiative, reaching more than 180 million people in 2011 with the information on human rights in 17 languages.

Get More Information On The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at and

Friday, September 23, 2011

Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought

Send check or money order to:
Foundation Bookstore
Church of Scientology of Boston
448 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02115

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Scientology Ad: Invitation to Freedom

Japan Update: 7.1 Earthquake | Scientology Volunteer Ministers Blog: Humanitarian Disaster Response, Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

Japan Update: 7.1 Earthquake | Scientology Volunteer Ministers Blog: Humanitarian Disaster Response, Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture at 11:32 p.m. local time on Thursday. Evacuation orders were issued for homes along the northeast coastline.

In Tokyo, buildings shook violently for a full minute during the quake and electricity was cut although there were no reports of serious damage. And while sirens went off in Japan’s coastal cities, warning of a tsunami, alerts were cancelled ninety minutes later.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blogs | Scientology Volunteer Ministers Blog: Humanitarian Disaster Response, Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

Blogs Scientology Volunteer Ministers Blog: Humanitarian Disaster Response, Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

A Message from Lead Volunteer Minister, EMT and Nurse, Ayal Lindeman

Submitted by csinet on Fri, 2011-03-25 16:29


Ayal Lindeman (left) has worked as a Volunteer Minister and EMT in disaster areas for many years. Hello from Japan. This trip has been truly amazing.We are giving lots of assists* and showing people on how to do assists. It is a bit cold but spirits are high. We have approval to travel as emergency responders so we can move on roads and highways only open to that traffic.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gaetano Cerchiara: Championing the Rights of Others

Meet a Scientologist—Gaetano Cerchiara: Championing the Rights of Others Cision Wire

A successful real estate agent, Gaetano Cerchiara’s passion is human rights. His video is one of 200 “Meet a Scientologist” videos available on the Scientology website at

Gaetano Cerchiara had it made—or so it seemed. He appeared to be happy, with a good job and financial security. But he knew something was missing.“I felt there had to be more to life than the material. Every night I went to bed with unanswered questions,” he says. “My life was full of question marks.”
Learning about Scientology from a friend in 1993, the religion’s spirituality and emphasis on helping others impressed him immediately.“Finally I found something that explained what I’d only had a vague feeling about before,” Cerchiara says.

Several years ago his sister Fiorella, co-founder and president of the Association for Human Rights and Tolerance of Italy, introduced Gaetano to the Scientology-sponsored human rights initiative and asked him to help. “Fiorella opened my eyes to human rights violations that are going on today, particularly those affecting children and youth,” says Gaetano. “I felt I had to take responsibility to make others aware of this, so I joined the Association.”

In 2007, an educator from Accra, Ghana asked for help to raise funds for a school in his city. The Church of Scientology of Milano and the Association for Human Rights and Tolerance of Italy took on the project and the school was opened in 2008. Continuing their work in Ghana, they built another school in the village of Twewaa in January 2010 that provides elementary education for the first time for the children of the community and the surrounding area.

“Human rights is a core belief in Scientology,” says Gaetano Cerchiara. “It is part of the Scientology Creed and the Code of a Scientologist. To me, it is intolerable when children are abused or deprived of their right to an education and a future. I am determined to do everything in my power to make human rights a fact, and I firmly believe we can do so.”

View the Gaetano Cerchiara video at