Sunday, December 19, 2010

What We Do - Scientologists and the Church of Scientology

New Scientology Commercial: "You"

Invitation to Freedom

Meet A Scientologist

The Church of Scientology YouTube Channel has broadened its "Meet a Scientologist" mini-documentaries online, with 40 new videos bringing the total number to 100.

In the documentary video clips, members of the Church of Scientology from across the United States and cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, London, Berlin, Milano, Budapest, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Kaohsiung, Copenhagen, and Malmö, share a look at their lives. The "Meet a Scientologist" videos are part of the Church's continuing online informational program.

In the documentary video clips, members of the Church of Scientology from across the United States and cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, London, Berlin, Milano, Budapest, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Kaohsiung, Copenhagen, and Malmö, share a look at their lives. The "Meet a Scientologist" videos are part of the Church's continuing online informational program.

These unique, rapid-fire interviews show Scientologists from many professions at home and work and include unusual sights, such as a stunt pilot at work in his plane, the studio of a film robotics expert, skydivers jumping from planes and a professional entertainer juggling with a running chain saw. There are also mothers, fathers, store managers and owners, teachers, dentists, musicians, an IT manager, and a bus driver.

The "Meet a Scientologist" video series is new to the Church of Scientology YouTube Channel, added on August 18. The production schedule for the series will bring the number of documentary videos up to 150 in the immediate future. Concurrently, the Church of Scientology is separately conducting a cross-platform ad campaign on spiritual values that includes Internet and video ads, as well as television commercials on MTV, Discovery, ESPN2, The Learning Channel, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Fox Sports, and others.

A pioneer and leader in the online religious community, in April 2008 the Church of Scientology became the first religion to create its own YouTube Video Channel. With broadcast-quality videos and a unique video player, it has been seen by over 2.2 million visitors.

To watch the new "Meet a Scientologist" videos, visit the Scientology Video Channel on YouTube at


Karin Pouw, Public Affairs

(323) 960-3500 phone

(323) 960-3508 fax

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Scientology Churches call for end to discrimination on Human Rights Day

Youth in 40 Nations Speak Up for Human Rights
Thousands of youth in more than 40 nations, representing Scientology Churches and Youth for Human Rights International chapters, organized and participated in Human Rights Walks, educational forums and interactive seminars December 10 in observance of the 62nd anniversary of ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Centered on “Speak Up, Stop Discrimination” which is this year’s United Nations theme for Human Rights Day, events ran the gamut from a forum on human trafficking in Pasadena, California, to Walks for Human Rights in over 30 countries to seminars on basic human rights in Pakistan.

Those walking for human rights handed out thousands of Youth for Human Rights booklets that present the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration in words anyone can understand.

“When young people hear about hate crimes and discrimination happening in their areas, they want to take action and speak out,” says Tracie Morrow, Human Rights Youth Coordinator for the Church of Scientology International. “How can they be silent when they witness bullying in their own school or read about an imam attacked in New York solely because of his religion or an Ecuadorian immigrant murdered by a mob in a heinous hate crime?”

Morrow pointed to the State of Chiapas in Mexico as an example of what can be accomplished. When a national survey by the Secretary of Education of Mexico found that 50 percent of high school students in Chiapas admitted to discriminating against others in school, the government decided to take effective action on the issue and with information provided by Youth for Human Rights of Mexico, ratified a change to their constitution to include the full 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and make human rights education in school mandatory.

“The first Mexican state to take this step, Chiapas is setting an example for Mexico and the rest of the world,” says Morrow.

The Mexico Ministry of Education followed the Chiapas lead and printed 10,000 copies of YHRI’s booklet What are Human Rights? to mark Human Rights Day.

International Human Rights Day events by Churches of Scientology and Youth for Human Rights were held on six continents, in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Panama, Russia, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, UK, USA and Zambia.

The Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology is a proud supporter of Youth for Human Rights International, a secular nonprofit organization founded in 2001. YHRI’s purpose is to teach young people about human rights, specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, so they become advocates for peace and tolerance.

Tracie Morrow

Human Rights Department
Church of Scientology International
6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Scientology Ad : "Life"


Offers for a limited time- free intelligence and personality tests.

Your IQ, personality and aptitude determine your future.

Know them. No obligations.

448 Beacon St, Boston 02115
617 266 9500

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Scientology Volunteer Ministers: Providing Effective Help & Free Online Courses

Scientology Volunteer Ministers: Providing Effective Help & Free Online Courses

Scientology Volunteer Ministers


Scientology offers practical solutions to help you improve conditions in your life and the lives of those around you. All the practical techniques used by Volunteer Ministers are drawn from the chapters of The Scientology Handbook. Combined, these chapters provide all the tools you need to confront and resolve virtually any life situation: from resolving marital strife to recovering a friend from drugs and managing a company for optimum success.Learn More >>

Official Church of Scientology: Volunteer Ministers, Disaster Relief & Humanitarian Organization

Official Church of Scientology: Volunteer Ministers, Disaster Relief & Humanitarian Organization


In answer to escalating crime and violence through the latter 1960s and early 1970s, L. Ron Hubbard founded the Volunteer Minister program. It was designed to provide practical tools for engendering understanding and compassion. Moreover, those tools were expressly conceived for use by Scientologists and non-Scientologists alike. Thus was born a broad-based movement of individuals from all walks of life dedicated to providing on-site assistance to communities around the world.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Call 617-266-9500

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Scientology Volunteer Minister tells of Haiti Disaster Response |

Scientology Volunteer Minister tells of Haiti Disaster Response |

January 30, 2010

Scientology Volunteer Minister Karen Farrell, who is also a midwife, delivered six babies in while serving with the Scientology Disaster Response Team in Haiti.

Karen Farrell is a midwife and a Scientology Volunteer Minister who lives in New England. When she heard about the Haiti earthquake on January 12, her first thought was that she needed to help. Four days later she was in Port-au-Prince with the medical and disaster relief team of doctors and nurses from the Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad, paramedics and Volunteer Ministers who boarded a flight in New York on January 16, chartered by the Church of Scientology to take medical personnel and supplies to Haiti.

Click here for full story: Scientology Volunteer Minister tells of Haiti Disaster Response |